Age: 1995
Max.Size: 104 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch)
Colors: 5
Counter: 200 mio
Availability: 10-2024
Man-Roland 705 3B
Man Roland 705 3B Year 19955 colorsStraight MachineMax Size 740 x 1040 mmApprox 200 mio impressionsPPL Semi-Automatic Plate ChangeRCI (Remote Control Interface)InsonorgrafAutomatic Washes Device: Blanket and RollersAutomatic paper thickness and size adjustmentGrafix powder spraySpeed: 16,000 sheets per hourTechnical Data:Maximum Sheet Size: 740 x 1040 mmMinimum Sheet Size: 340 x 480 mmMaximum Print Area: 715 x 1020 mmPaper Thickness: 0.04 mm - 0.8 mmPower Supply: 380/400 volts, 50 HzWeight: Approximately 36,000 kgDimensions: 8 m x 3 m x 2.5 m (LxWxH)
Price: On Request
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