Age: 1990
Max.Size: 102 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch)
Colors: 6
Counter: 220 mio
Availability: Immediately
Heidelberg SM 102 6 L
HEIDELBERG SM 102-6P L Year 1990about 220 mio impressionsPerfecting between unit 6/0 - 4/2Maxpaper size 720x1020 mmSmallest size 280x420 mmImage area 700x1020 mmSpeed 13.000 sh/hPower consumption 68 kwElectrical supply 380WConditions: GoodCondition of cylinders Damage freeLocation ITALYStill in production YesTest possible YesComplete and in working condition YesAvailable immediately Revised in 2014CPC1-02 Ink and register remote control CP-Tronic self diagnostic control and monitor console GRAFIX dryer Quick action plate clampsGrafitec powder sprayAntistatic completeSteelplate in feederLength 11090 mmWidth 2990 mmHeight 2170 mmWeight approx. 36910 kg
Price: On Request
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