Age: 2004
Max.Size: 74 x 52 cm (29 x 20 inch)
Colors: 4
Counter: 89 mio
Availability: Immediately
KBA Rapida 74-4 PWHA
KBA Rapida 74-4 PWHAMax size: 520x740 mmImpress count: 89 mioMachine type: 4 colorsCondition: goodAvailability: immediatlyPrint 4 0 (STRAIGHT)PWHA Semi-automatic plate change;Powder sprayer WEKO;Alcohol dampening Baldwin;Automatic washing devices No damages or repairs on cylinders and gears;Maxpaper size 520 x 740 mm;Minpaper size 210 x 297 mm (300 x 297 mm perfecting);Print area size 510 x 730 mm (500 x 730 mm perfecting);Plate size 557 x 743 mm / Thickness 0,30 mm;Blanket size 745 x 630 mm / Thickness 1,90 mm;Dimensions: L x W x H ( 7,5 x 2,5 x 1,9 ) m;Power 35 KWWeight 12500 kg;
Price: On Request
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